hatchet news

Numscript is a simple, declarative language that helps you model financial transactions. You can do quite a few things with it, such as modeling:

* Payments involving vouchers and a user's prepaid balance * Complex funds destination scenario where the customer gets cash back * Configurable user credit balance spending transactions

The main idea is to take the pain out of describing of a system dealing with money movements should behave in traditional languages such as JS/TS/Go/Ruby etc, landing an expressive way to model these movements of value.

It is voluntarily broad in applicability—our customers use it today for use-cases ranging from marketplaces funds orchestration to home-grown loan management systems.

Once those transactions are modeled, they are to be picked up and committed to a system-of-record, ledgering system or executed on a set of payments and banking APIs.

It was initially a DSL we bundled into our Core Ledger product at Formance (YCS21) but we're giving it more autonomy now and started to make it standalone, with the idea that anyone could eventually bolt Numscript on top of their ledgering system. We're also exploring to make it natively compatible with other backends.

As part of this un-bundling, we've just shipping a playground which lets you fiddle with it without installing anything at https://playground.numscript.org/ (it works best on desktop).

Happy to chime in on any questions!

designed and developed by Tommy Chow (source)