hatchet news

Show HN: QuickPoint. Make presentations, web pages etc. with a YAML like syntax.

I started this project during lockdown. Remember that?? It developed from an idea I had for exchanging value in URLs. The idea being that if , for example, you had a subscription to the NYT and if they linked from their article to an article in the WSJ the WSJ would a receive a small payment from your subscription. The idea seemed much too abstract for any stakeholders in publishing organizations so i thought I'd better build my own publishing platform. I didn't think it would take this long but here it is (after two kids) in a usable form. You can use if for anything and publish your anything to the web. Down the line you can charge for your creations.

The language is YAML like and any good names for it are welcome. The viewer is a React component that you can drop into any webpage with a one-liner, the aim is to open source that. It's probably full of bugs so do let me know.

It's a fun thing and works great on mobile. I imagine harried developers who need to give presentations might find it useful in it's current form.

designed and developed by Tommy Chow (source)