hatchet news

Hey HN,

Sean Linehan and Nick deWilde here. I'm really excited to share the new product my co-founder and I have been working on. It's called "Roleplays" and it let's you have voice-based conversations with AI characters.

There are two critical components that make it impactful:

1. The actual live roleplaying. It's surprisingly intense! 2. You get super detailed feedback on your performance.

The tech stack here is pretty interesting. We're using different models for transcription, token generation, voice generation, and transcript evaluation. There are a lot of moving pieces to make this work seamlessly!

As broader point, I think voice is going to wind up being a critical evolution in computing. I recently read "Rise of the Machines: A Cybernetic History" which traces the early origins of computing. It's fascinating that the early pioneers _also_ thought voice would be important due to the low-bandwidth nature of using other control systems. Perhaps they were right, but it took 50 years to get there.

Anyways, I'm excited to share this with HN and would love your feedback on the experience!

designed and developed by Tommy Chow (source)