hatchet news

Hello everyone,

We have been developing Agnost (https://agnost.dev) for some time and it has reached a point that we can share with the larger community.

What is it?

Agnost is an open-source self-hosted Railway.app, Render.com, Vercel.com, Netlify.com, etc. alternative running on Kubernetes clusters. You connect your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repo and Agnost takes care of building the image and deploying your apps to your cluster whenever you push new code to your repo.

How it works?

Under the hood, Agnost integrates several open-source platforms. For the build and push pipeline we use Tekton, for building OCI-compliant images we use Kaniko and for storing the built images we use Registry.

Is it different than ArgoCD or Flux?

ArgoCD and Flux are great GitOps tools that focus on automating the deployment of Kubernetes resources based on changes in a Git repository. They do not build Docker images or push them to a container registry. Instead, they deploy pre-built images to Kubernetes by syncing the state of the cluster with the manifests defined in a Git repository. On the other hand, Agnost builds and deploys images to the Kubernetes cluster and updates the image tags of your Kubernetes resources when a build and deploy pipeline is triggered.

What you can do with it?

Agnost automates your build and deployment pipeline. With its built-in user interface (Agnost Studio), you can manage your resources (deployments, statefulsets, and cronjobs) and connect them to your git repos. There are also a couple of templates that you can choose to create commonly used resources such as databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB), key-value stores (Redis, Memcached) and object storage (Minio).

You can set commonly used pod parameters such as resource requests, limits, and probes, and mount storage through PVCs. You can also create services and ingresses and using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt, Agnost can create TLS certificates for your domains including wildcard subdomains.

How can you help?

Since this is the initial publicly available version, your feedback, guidance, and comments are greatly appreciated. We have a roadmap around adding observability features (e.g., notifications on build errors), connecting private repositories to store built images and adding new templates to the platform but we would love to hear your suggestions.

Which features do you find most useful?

- How well does the platform's feature set meet your project needs? - Are there any specific integrations or tools you would like to see supported? - Are there any features or aspects of other platforms you miss or prefer?

Looking forward to your comments/feedback/suggestions.

designed and developed by Tommy Chow (source)