hatchet news

I've created a powerful tool to help Go developers uncover the hidden giants in their compiled binaries. Go Size Analyzer is like an X-ray machine for your Go executables, revealing:

Which dependencies are eating up your binary size

Unexpected bloat from standard library or vendor packages

Size changes between binary versions with a visual diff

Key features that set it apart:

Interactive treemap visualizations (check out the demo: https://gsa.zxilly.dev)

Slick terminal UI for deep diving into package hierarchies

Cross-platform support (works on Linux, macOS, and Windows binaries)

Export to SVG for easy sharing and documentation or just visualize the CI process

Whether you're optimizing for edge devices, reducing Docker image sizes, or just curious about what's really inside your Go binaries, this tool provides detailed insights. .

designed and developed by Tommy Chow (source)